Sleek, Comfortable and Durable
Our Viboard offers a new way of listening, where vibrations are not only picked up by our ears, but through our bodies.

Our boards are vibrating, interconnectable pieces of sound hardware. They are extended subwoofer platforms for immersive, physically experiential wellness and art - mixing natural geometric hardware symmetry with sound technology to achieve vibration-stimulated relaxation and immersion.
If you want to buy your own ViBoard, please contact us on (+45) 30826218 or .
Hand crafted wooden finish
Adjustable height options for different use-cases
Vibrational absorption feet
Deep tactile bass immersion
2 fully integrated low frequency transducers
Modular design
Composite plate designed for optimal vibrations
Sustainable design and production process
Designed and produced in Denmark
Length: 200 cm
Width: 120 cm
Height: 10 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Materials & Technicals
Lacquered high-quality birch veneer
Vibration-damping rubber feet
Effect: 1100 W
Frequency response: 18-100hz
An individual module is suited for a single adult or two children, additional modules for multiple adults/children.
The ideal usage is experienced when the user is lying down in order to support the whole body.
Comes with an external amplifier and audio cables.
Custom models and full room installations are available.
Want to try yourself?